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Thank [U] for a Great Semester!

The leaves have changed and so to must we, as the Fall 2017 semester comes to a close at Washington State University, we must bid [U] a fond farewell.

Through the semester we've designed this project for [U] and learned how to reach out and make an experience we can be proud of and we'd want to shop from.

Our goal starting this was to create a better kind of online company that targets a student or young adults needs, not their pocket book and offers as much value in insight as it does product.

Nothing we've done this semester would have been possible without [U] though so it is with that in mind that we all want to thank each and every one of [U] who subscribed, liked, followed or even accidentally clicked on an ad on Facebook or google.

Each of our team members would individually like to thank [U] and reflect on what the past few months have meant to them. Starting with our project manager Alyssa.

"It’s been awesome working with my Dorm-U team and seeing this company come to life. Sharing our creativity with [U] has been exciting, and I hope that our followers have enjoyed watching our progress throughout the semester. Have a happy and safe holiday!"

Next we have our Creative Director, Annabelle who says "It was great to run integrated campaigns for Dorm-U across multiple digital platforms, in order to compile a unified message to our customers. It was exciting to look like a professional company, and work with the team to conduct real advertising processes for Dorm-U"

Our User experience manager Kianne says,

"Coming into the semester, I didn't know what t expect. Throughout our campaign I learned a lot on how the media can influence the success-fullness of a company. With being the user experience manager, I was able to get multiple viewpoints from the business side as well as the customer side. I'm very thankful for the learning experience that Dorm-U had to offer."

And finally there's me, as Content manager I've had the privilege of speaking directly to [U] all semester long, presenting our ideas and content directly to [U] and representing this amazing team. Through this project I have been able to experiment with my writing style and develop a specific voice for this brand that has been incredibly valuable experience. While I would never pretend to be an expert on interior design and decorating this project and working with our team I was able to develop a new understanding and appreciation for design and everything that goes into creating a unique space at home or away.

Thank [U] all for following us this semester and from all of us here at Dorm-U, we'd like to wish you happy holidays, and a fantastic new year!

Go Cougs!

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